You might not think about it often, but chimneys are constantly exposed to the elements. They stick right up into the sky with nothing to protect them. This leaves them vulnerable to rain, ice and snow. Chimneys that don’t have chimney caps, and/or are cracked and deteriorating are more vulnerable to the elements. You might wonder why it matters if your chimney absorbs too much water. It’s rather simple, when water seeps into a chimney it will expand and contract through freezing and thawing, which in turn causes undue stress, cracking, chimney leaks, and fireplace leaks.
In order to protect your chimney from chimney leaks we recommend following the steps listed below.
1. Have professional grade chimney caps installed.
2. Repair or replace a damaged chimney crown.
3. Repair deteriorated brick & mortar joints.
4. Repair or replace a leaky flashing.
5. Have your chimney waterproofed!
Call Superior Chimney today at 877-CHIM-FIX (877-244-6349). We will answer your questions and schedule a time to inspect your chimney.